Engine & Alternator Coupling
Al-Bahar MCEM is one of the leading solutions provider for engine and alternator coupling in UAE, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar and Bahrain. We use the latest tools and techniques to ensure precision alignment so that you don't have to worry about the performance of your generator setup.
Why Perfect Alignment is Important?
Precise alignment of the shaft between the shafts of your generator and the alternator is absolutely important for proper power generation. Even the slightest misalignment can cause serious issues like:
Break down of major components, like crankshaft bearing
Can cause serious accidents which can prove fatal to personnel working on site
Increase in downtime which would lead to loss of production.
What are the Symptoms of Misalignment?
You would need to look for signs to detect any potential misalignment. Here are some of the common symptoms of misalignment.
Heavy vibrations
Higher temperature
Leakage of oil from seals
Failure of couplings
Unbalanced loads
To avoid these issues, you would need to ensure proper alignment of your engine and alternator coupling. Get in touch with our dedicated team of specialists and get the right solutions for your needs.

Our services under this category include:
Design and fabrication of mounting skid
Installation of engine, radiator and alternator
Alignment of engine and alternator
Testing and certifying through laser beam technology
Quick Enquiry
Feel free to get in touch with us for free no-obligation consultation.